(Free eBook!) Peace Officer’s Guide to Law Enforcement Terms and Phrases

A handy guide to terms and phrases as commonly used and defined within law enforcement. ISBN: 978-0-937935-53-0
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Description and Features

Peace Officer’s Guide to Law Enforcement Terms and Phrases, 2022 edition, eighth printing

Steven T. Kernes and Donna L. Knifsend, Esq.

The Peace Officer’s Guide to Law Enforcement Terms and Phrases is an ever evolving book. It is routinely updated as new statutes are adopted in many states and through US Congressional action. When laws are enacted word and phrase definitions bring legal clarity. Lacking legal definitions may bring ambiguity to a law. Legal challenges often follow, resulting in a determination that terms and/or phrases used in a statute make the law unenforceable until legislative action can correct the deficiency.

The book is a compilation of definitions extracted from 15 sources including state and federal statutes. It is not intended to be all inclusive but it does represent legislative definitions from a selection of states. Criminal justice students and law enforcement practitioners will find this book useful.

The Peace Officer’s Guide to Law Enforcement Terms and Phrases is not available in hard copy. It is offered as a free download only in .pdf format.

Key book features include:

• Combines into one book terms and phrases found in statute from various states and from federal law

• 244pp.

• free download for law enforcement personnel and students

• Made in the USA

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