Legal Notices

Written Publications

Justices Systems Press, LLC, books are prepared as a resource for law enforcement officers, not
intended as directives or legal advice. Every factual situation is different and individual officers
must exercise their own discretion and judgment in deciding upon the proper course of action.
You should review your respective State or Federal laws to ensure that you are completely
familiar with the laws in your jurisdiction. The information found in our books is true and
complete to the best of the authors’ knowledge. Any advice or recommendations are made
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liability, whether special, collateral, incidental or consequential damages, in connection with the
use of this information.

Free Electronic Publications

Justice Systems Press, LLC, has created free resources for law enforcement officers and criminal
justice students. The documents are provided in an electronic format and are copyrighted by
Justice Systems Press, LLC. They may be downloaded and copied for personal use. Commercial
use or resale of the police forms, examples, or “Peace Officer’s Guide to Law Enforcement
Terms and Phrases” is prohibited unless authorized in writing by Justice Systems Press, LLC.
Police departments and college students are authorized to use these forms free of charge.

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