
Special Order Peace Officer Guides

Justice Systems Press specializes in developing Peace Officer’s Guides tailored to your department needs. State laws, local codes, and department procedures and policy can be combined into one reference book. The cover can be designed to meet your request. A unique and specialized book can be developed in as few as 8 weeks.

For orders of 500 books or more from our existing stock, Justice Systems Press can design a cover, including your agency logo or seal, for use on the books.

Contact Justice Systems Press for a quote.

Law Enforcement Administrative File System – Technical Assistance

Our staff will assist agencies who implement the administrative file system outlined in the “Law Enforcement Administrative File System (LEAFS)” book. Converting from the traditionally confusing and cumbersome systems used by many departments raises anxiety and apprehension. Most agencies continue to utilize the file systems for managing and retrieving written information and documents that have been used for decades. Although information is filed within a system, it is trapped because most systems file alphabetically under the guidance of a single administrator or secretary. When that person is absent information is inaccessible at worst case and only available with lengthy delays. After years of research Justice Systems Press developed a law enforcement administrative file system that has a proven track record. The benefits of the system include access to information by all members and a system that protects confidential information such as personnel information, individual training records, and internal affairs documents.

Justice Systems Press will lead a team of key staff members through the conversion while implementing the LEAFS concepts. For small agencies, 10 – 25 members, the conversion process generally takes 3 – 4 days or nights. For larger agencies with several precincts the conversion can be conducted through stages.

To minimize disruption of the agency, most work will occur after hours. Key department members will attend a training session that introduces them to the concepts, application of principles, and decision making while adopting and implementing the LEAFS. Practical exercises will be used to develop skills and abilities. This will be followed by an analysis and categorizing of information and filing of information. Agency members will actively participate in the coding and filing of documents. A complete files book will be developed for dissemination to all leaders, managers, and other pertinent staff.

Lesson Plans

Many colleges, police academies, and technical schools utilize our books for reference and as texts. Lesson plans and Power Point visual aids can be developed to meet the specific needs of the instructor.


Police Management Training Program

Justice Systems Press offers training to law enforcement by instructors who each have over 35 years of experience. Besides offering training in the United States, they have instructed in Hungary and Panama while offering training to managers and supervisors from 60 different countries. A widely acclaimed training program is the four day Police Management Training Program. Courses within the program include:

• Leadership – This course of instruction provides the student with practical leadership skills and techniques useful for those serving in management positions. This basic and refresher course outlines qualities which lead to a successful leader. Topics include leadership traits, components, indicators, styles, and rules for success.

• Personnel Management – Through lecture, this course provides an introduction , overview and practical application of job analysis and job descriptions, recruiting and hiring, performance appraisals, and discipline and commendations which are essential parts of personnel management.

• Future of Policing – External influences impact what managers do and how they do it. A key component of the external environment is the future. Far too often, managers wait for definition or clear vision regarding the future. Frequently, by this time, it is too late to develop plans and provide vision to subordinates. This block of instruction will stimulate the mind while examining policing in the 21st century.

• Management Strategies – This course of instruction provides the student with fundamental skills to develop sound and useful plans. A discussion examines the problem solving process and its application to law enforcement management. The decision making process is addressed. Students apply the process through exercises.

• Time Management – This course deals with the subject of time management from several perspectives. It outlines why time management is important to the manager and how one should use time management techniques. It identifies time wasters on the job and techniques for police managers to improve their time management skills. The knowledge and skills taught in this course give students the ability to effectively manage their time and the time of subordinate members of their organizations.