Guide to Police Supervision (SOLD OUT!)

Guide to Police Supervision, Steven T. Kernes and Marvin Braunstein, second edition. ISBN: 978-0-937935-54-5
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Guide to Police Supervision, Steven T. Kernes and Marvin Braunstein, second edition.
This pocket-size guide has been developed to meet the needs of police supervisors and those aspiring to be supervisors. Proven supervision techniques, practices, and concepts are presented. Information is neatly formatted to reveal only the most pertinent skills necessary for the law enforcement supervisor. Supervision related documents are offered which serve as guidelines and examples to be replicated and modified as needed. It concisely offers an overview of the most salient techniques and practices to successfully manage subordinates. This publication is used by many law enforcement agencies as a “must read” in preparation for the supervision examination. Presented in an outline and synopsis format, readers are able to quickly find information necessary to successfully deal with the daily tasks of police supervision. The Guide to Police Supervision has been used domestically and internationally as the centerpiece for police supervision training programs. It served as a training resource at the International Law Enforcement Academy, Budapest, Hungary. Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies routinely use this book. This reference guide is unique because it has been developed by supervisors for supervisors.

Significant supervision topics, techniques and practices are presented

• Do’s and Don’ts of Supervision
• Leadership
• Motivation
• Communication Skills
• Rumor Control
• Giving Orders
• Prioritizing Problems
• Delegation
• Employee Personal Problems
• Counseling
• Controlling Absenteeism
• Conducting Interviews of Employees
• Evaluation Problems
• Discipline
• Complaints and Grievances
• Commendations
• Vicarious Liability
• Sexual Harassment
• Training
• Time Management
• Meetings
• Media Relations
• Stress

Unique Features

• Quick reference format
• Thoroughly indexed
• Example letters and memoranda
• Proven supervisory processes
• Pocket size: 3 5/8" wide x 5 3/8" high
• Concise and complete
• A must for new and experienced supervisors
• Made in the USA
• Weight: 3 oz.
• 90 pp.

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